Getting phpWebSite to validate

Well I guess I could not put this one down. I decided to use the “Validate Local Html” option from the Web Developer plug-in. This way I could focus on the errors I can do something about. So after fixing the ArticleManager.php inproper use of the <center></center> within a header and the missing ALT parameter in the tracking gif of googlesvcs it validates. I wasn’t too happy to find the tracking gif but I will leave it in for the time being since it works and I appreciate their contribution of this mod.

phpWebSite 9.3-2 to 9.3.3

I updated the mainsite to the latest version of phpWebSite. I was hoping to clear up some minor problems I am experiencing with blank screens in the control panel and xhtml validation. I learned a lot about the hazards of the upgrade process but I did not fix my problems. You have to be very careful when you copy folders. I wiped out a customized theme and my config.php on my local box.

I encountered some interesting problems. I had to re-initialize my site theme after trying out the new w3c theme. I was getting two blocks of everything. It would not of been that big a problem but the blank screen problem reared its ugly head when I tried to move blocks around. I had to use the back key to re-display the screen. I am still stuck with extra data going to the w3c validator and creating errors. It appears on the “Read More” link of the announcements. updates
Welcome to the new website. My fascination with phpWebSite has led me to create this site using that package. As a low cost CMS I think it has a lot of features that will appeal to a lot clients. Sometimes the best way to explain a package is to demonstrate it so I plan on incorporating the features I find most intriguing. Some of the projects I am looking at are:

1. Create a new theme modeled after ideas I got from meyerweb, alistapart,, and wordpress.
2. Create an Amazon bookstore
3. Create a best practice/FAQ for SBS
4. Create and update a web link that has influenced the most.