One of my favorite tools has been updated. It alludes to the possibility of integrating Writer with a couple of services and technologies I have been looking at integrating, Flickr and Lightbox. I was almost motivated enough to try my hand at writing a plugin a while back. The most obvious change is that the interface has been revamped. I have looked but I cannot find how Lightbox gets integrated. The Insert Picture dialog has a web interface. I will check out the web interface to Flickr shortly.
Tag: blogging
Shadowbox.js Media Viewer
Shadowbox.js Media Viewer
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 21:00:00 GMT
This looks interesting but it is considerably larger than my current jQuery lightbox plugin. Since I do not use flash or the other media the plugin supports, this plugin has limited benefits for my personal use and most of the web sites I maintain. Maybe sometime in the near future I will need it.