Test your web design in different browsers – Browsershots


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Test your web design in different browsers – Browsershots
Fri, 22 Feb 2008 16:30:00 GMT

This is an interesting site but do not expect quick results from the web site. It creates screen shots using different browsers by using distributed computers that upload the screen shot. It created 29 of the 41 screen shots I requested. It took about thirty minutes for the 29 shots to appear and I did not find any web page design problems. I suspect that my testing with Firefox 2, IE 6 and IE 7 are adequate for catching most problems but this might be handy to show tor clients who are looking for maximum interoperability.

25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part7)

Every web designer finds it handy to have a collection of code snippets such as javascript effects, pieces of html and widgets that they incorporate into their designs. Lets take a look at recent examples of these …

This is an interesting collection of snippets that I need to investigate further. The creativity in web development never ceases to amaze me.

25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part7)