XP SP2 is now installed

I updated my main machine to SP2 on Sunday. Although I had Automatic Updates on I decided to get it over with on Sunday. Upgrading on Sunday is a much more convenient day for me. I knew that this would be a long process and I wanted a couple of days to test it before I ran payroll on Thursday. I started the download at about 9am and it finished at around 530pm. It took about thirty minutes to verify the download before starting the installation process. I went off to our family Sunday dinner after I got the installation started. When I came back later that evening it was ready to reboot. The boot process took a much longer time than normal. It asked me only one question, “Whether I wanted to turn on Automatic Updates?” Otherwise it appeared to be completing the final SP2 upgrade tasks even though there is not a lot of feedback on the process. Once it was finished I was able to login and everything seems to be the same except for an occasional popup asking me if I wanted to allow commnunication between specific programs and the internet. So far… so good!