Eclipse update snafu

I finally updated Eclipse to 3.0.1. The first and second times I did this Eclipse would not restart. It would refer me to a log file for further info. In the log file I would find several messages like:

!MESSAGE Bundle update@/y:/Downloads/eclipse-SDK-3.0-win32/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core.win32_2.0.1/ [7] was not resolved.

The first time this happened to me I re-installed Eclipse after a quick search for possible fixes turned up nothing. Today I looked a little harder and found a recommendation to delete everything in the configuration directory except the config.xml file. This forces Eclipse to re-index the plugins. The error above refers to the C/C++ Eclipse plugin so re-indexing the plugins could be a likely fix. Now Eclipse would start. Since my configuration checks for updates, Eclipse asked me if I wanted to update my installation. The installation process evidently knew it had the most current version of the files so it did not download the files again but proceeded directly to installing the files. When the installation process completed it asked to restart the workspace. This time Eclipse restarted without errors and the installation was up to date.