RSSOwl | RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader

RSSOwl | RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader

A few days ago I saw that a new version of RssOwl had been posted. I had tried a previous version it was pretty clutzy compared to the competition so I was curious how much it had changed.

The installation went smooth and my first impression was that it was pretty quick. The user interface is much improved over what I remembered. I made a few changes to the preferences. I created a shortcut key to mark newsfeed as read when closing a tab, and turned on one-click. This got me pretty close to what I am accustomed to in RssBandit. Overall I like RssOwl but I am not ready to drop RssBandit. I do not have an easy way on XP to blog a new item like I can with wbloggar in RssBandit. When I have some time I will try this reader on Linux since RssBandit is not available on that platform.

My wishlist for RssOwl is:

  1. I would like some some type of blog a news item support.
  2. I would like a newspaper style listing of the new postings to a newsfeed.
  3. I would like share a remote subscription list.
  4. It would be nice if I could use FireFox for my default browser especially if I could use JustBlogIt.
  5. I think the icons on the tabs should reflect the favicon.
  6. I get a IE script error on certain pages when I open the page with the internal browser.

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