A couple of days ago I got fed up with the Standard shortcuts displayed in most Save As menus and the My Places displayed in the Office 2003 Save As menu. TweakUI fixed the standard menus so that I now see:
- Downloads
- Favorites
- Desktop
- My Documents
- My Computer
OPIE2 did not really work for me so I ended up creating the list manually. It did create smaller icons and more slots but did not fill the slots correctly. 😥
These are the five places I go to a lot on my computer so I wanted my shortcuts to reflect my preferences. I think I have them in ordered by frequency of use. I use a shared directory called Downloads for downloaded programs, non Windows Update patches, and reading material I want to review later. The Favorites link gets me to the projects and company files I am working on. I use the Desktop for temporary items I am working on and other current items that do not have a project directory. My cvs directories are located on my Desktop since tortoisecvs does not create sandboxes on network file shares.