Dr Dave’s Blog » Introducing Spam Karma

Dr Dave’s Blog » Introducing Spam Karma

Spam Karma works by running every new comment through a battery of filters and checks. Each of which increase or decrease the comment’s Karma’ value. Depending on the final score, the comment is either:

  • Approved
  • Discarded silently as spam (no email is sent to you, unless you specifically require it, but a digest is sent to you every X spams deleted).
  • Placed in Moderation mode. With the possibility for the commenter to auto-moderate his own comment by proving he’s not a spammer (by filling a Captcha or checking a confirmation email).
  • This whole process insures (by order of priority):
    1. No deleted false positive (bad bad bad).
    2. Extremely few moderated false positives (annoying): uses Captcha and email auto-moderation to keep these at a minimum.
    3. No published spam.
    4. very little spam held in moderation (must be destroyed directly: really annoying to have to moderate it).

Further more, Spam Karma works in an intelligent way to automatically update its filtering database and grow stronger with each spam it catches…

In short: blocks spam with no unnecessary annoyance, for you or your visitors. The way it should be.

I decided to give this comment spam killer for WordPress after Kitten’s latest version decided to stop working. So far so good! 🙂