Review: RSS Bandit v1.3.x (Wolverine) Beta Installer Available

We are now feature complete for the next release of RSS Bandit. Interested users can download it at All bugs specific to the previous alpha release have been fixed. The next steps for us are finish working on documentation, translations and fixing any bugs that are reported during the beta with the intention of shipping a final release in the next two weeks. (1 comments)

[Via Project News: RSS Bandit]

Okay, I am a fan of RSS Bandit so this review is a little biased. This is my primary RSS reader and I started using it early last year so I have some experience with it. It basically has all the features all the other readers have and a few extra features that I use regularly. I think it started out looking a lot like SharpReader but it appears to diverged and added more features that I like. Since it is a SourceForge project I consider that a plus. In this new release the features I have started using are:

  1. Newspaper view is a handy way to skim the headlines. This view has improved from the alpha release to include all feeds in a category. The format of the newspaper view is visually appealing without much overhead. I have actually started reading Boing Boing since the newspaper view has made it so convient.
  2. I like the option to “Mark All Items as Read on Exiting a Feed”.

Those two features have made my RSS reading a lot more efficient. Some old features I like that may or may not appear in other readers.

  1. Interface to w.bloggar
  2. Subscribe in default aggregator option in IE
  3. Tabbed views