How to publish http://Companyweb to the Internet by using ISA Server 2000 on a server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003, Premium Edition

How to publish http://Companyweb to the Internet by using ISA Server 2000 on a server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003, Premium Edition


This article describes how to publish the company’s internal Web site (http://Companyweb) to the Internet by using Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000 on a server that is running Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003, Premium Edition, so that external clients can access http://Companyweb directly by using https://FQDN:444, where FQDN is the fully qualified domain name of the server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003. Alternatively, external clients can access http://Companyweb from the Remote Web Workplace feature on the SBS 2003 server by using https://FQDN/remote.

I finally got around to doing this today. The instructions worked for me. Remember to open the port on the hardware firewall and forward that port to the server.