Interesting SBS problem

I ran into a small problem a few nights ago. My son needed to print off some documents for a school project. Both of his PCs sit outside the SBS network. My color printer sits inside the firewall. So I proceeded to instruct him on how to upload the documents to my SBS server using the published web site. He selected the files and started the multiple file upload. The upload aborted immediately with an error message about exceeding the upload limit. This should be an easy problem to get around but the next time he tried we got a 500 server error. After a few more tries we ended up getting the infamous “The page cannot be displayed” message. All of my PCs could not get into the published web site. This should not be happening at 11pm but what am I to do! So I opted for plan B, install the printer driver and access the printer through the firewall. I had not tried this on his PC before but it worked. I went to bed.

The next day I tried several things to restore my access:

  1. Restarted ISA
  2. Restarted the server
  3. Added a new tunnel for 444
  4. Used a different browser

Using the Firefox browser got me in on the PC I was using for testing. I went to another PC and I was now able to get in using IE. I went back to my PC and tried IE again. I was still unable to get in. Hmm… Since I am still curious about this problem and it is reproducible, I will probably chase this puppy down. However, it won’t be today!