PDFCreator and Taxcut for Business

I really like PDFCreator and I use it to keep PDF copies of a variety of ETF transaction reports from the internet. It is a “free” program that is available from sourceforge. Occasionally I use it to create PDF versions of Word documents, Excel reports, or tax returns. I am sure the retail version of Acrobat is a more robust product but I just need simple PDF creation. The fact that PDFCreator is free makes it a winner. PDFCreator has worked well for me everywhere except in Taxcut for Business. Most of the time it creates a PDF with an error in it. This weekend I started playing with Microsoft Office Document Imaging again. My previous attempts to capture a report this program and stick it into a PDF were unsuccessful. Exporting the document as a TIF file has created a large TIF file that I was unable to use with any other program.

This time I was successful because I used a slightly different strategy. I used the copy image(i.e. Ctrl-I) function to copy the page image. I pasted the image into a word document. I used PDFCreator to create a PDF of the Word document. Copying and pasting images can be very tedious for long reports but the 990 and 1065 reports are typically less than six pages. It really helps that I only need to do this once a year.