Trend Pattern File 2.594 may cause high CPI utilization [is your system pegging the CPU at 100%?]

Trend Pattern File 2.594 may cause high CPI utilization [is your system pegging the CPU at 100%?]

About 3:35 PDT in my office, the receptionist buzzed me saying her machine just ‘went wacko’ and when I went to look at it, it was totally unresponsive. When I went to do a hard reboot and restart, it was totally grinding on ‘applying computer settings’.

Yea, I had something similar happen to me. I was unaware that this was affecting any one else so I assumed that the problem was related to my removal of some old software and some old problems I have on my system. On Friday evening I was asked to reboot the system to finish the removal process. I did not look at the system again until Saturday morning. When I logged on again in the morning the system was unresponsive so I rebooted. It got hung up at “applying computer settings” so I tried to fix the problem in safe mode. I finally decided this was a good time to re-install XP. My registry has been mucked up for some time, the taxes were done, and I was between pay periods. I am still amazed at how long I was able to function efficiently with a mucked up registry. In the “old” days you could not do anything if the registry was “slightly tainted”. I had a slew of programs that I could not uninstall. To make the installation more efficient I created a slipstreamed Windows Xp with SP 2 onto a bootable CD using these instructions.

I thought that this might fix a OL-297-A problem I am having with downloading transations into a couple of my accounts in Quicken 2005. This problem started for me at the beginning of my tax preparations so I have been suffering through it for about a month. I know better than to try and fix some problems during tax season.

The new installation went fine for me. I almost have everything I need re-installed. I only had one problem finding the right CD-ROM and no problems with the serial numbers for re-installation. This fact that this installation takes up less disk space is not surprising but I am surprised at how much less disk space. I am using 2 GB in the Windows directory, 1 GB in the Program Files, and 540 MB in the Documents and Settings directory. I still have a couple programs still to install but my program directory will probably top out at 2 GB. This looks good except that the Quicken problem remains!