Microsoft Office Tools reviews by PC Magazine

Microsoft Office Tools reviews by PC Magazine

ASAP Utilities 3.08 (free) is a superb set of 300 menu items, ranging from deselecting cells to text-to-date conversions to HTML export for selected information. Many items roll multistep tasks—such as opening the folder of the current file in Explorer—into one-click commands. Others perform complex calculations. This is the one essential add-in for all Excel users.

I do not know why I never found this one! It has a bunch of useful macros. The one macro that caught my attention was creating a html table from Excel. Excel’s default method of creating html code adds too much “junk” for my taste. In fact I had moved away from Excel for my initial data entry because I had to do so much cleanup work. It was just easier to code it natively in html. Now I have an alternative and it is free!