Dual-Boot Linux and Windows 2000/Windows XP with GRUB HOWTO

Dual-Boot Linux and Windows 2000/Windows XP with GRUB HOWTO

If you have multiple hard drives (disks), /boot must be on the same hard drive (probably the first hard drive) that has the Windows boot loader (NTLDR) on the MBR.

As I mentioned in the previous post I had recently set up a dual boot system, W2K Server and Fedora Core 4 linux, and have verified the linux installation by booting off of a floppy. Now I wanted a slicker way to boot. I found these instructions and they worked for me. The surprising thing was when I reread the instructions it said that the “/boot must be on the same hard drive (probably the first hard drive) that has the Windows boot loader (NTLDR) on the MBR”. My /boot is on the second drive and it works! I guess this might eliminate the resize NTFS problem for some people. Of course, your mileage may vary.