How to block open SMTP relaying and clean up Exchange Server SMTP queues in Windows Small Business Server

How to block open SMTP relaying and clean up Exchange Server SMTP queues in Windows Small Business Server

Last week I bit the bullet and ordered a static ip for my SBS server. It only costs $5/month extra. Yesterday I was informed it was ready to go in the traditional tech support way, my network stopped communicating with the internet. When I called to report the problem, they said I needed to update my router with the static IP address. Next I asked my web server provider to install an A record for the subdomain. That was finally ready today. I checked it using NSLOOKUP and Then I ran ICEW and created a certificate for the new fully qualified domain name(FQDN). My final test was to login to OWA.

Since everything was working for http access I went back and ran ICEW again. This time I told it to change my email to use DNS rather than Smarthost to send mail. To test the outbound access I sent an email to my yahoo email address. Before I changed my MX record I decided to check my configuration for open SMTP relay. That is where I ran into this article. My server passed the test so I am ready to go live.