Updated Sharepoint intranet site

MVHFH Intranet Sharepoint SiteI have a new sharepoint site on my intranet server, Millcreek Valley HFH Board of Directors. I am the treasurer for a local Habitat for Humanity affiliate so I have a fair amount of documents to keep track of. My original site was getting a little disorganized so I decided to reorganize the site and apply a new theme. So I created a new site using the Board of Directors theme. Then I modified the web page using FrontPage to have a different picture and logo. While I was at it, I did a little more sharepoint cusomization.

  1. I downloaded the links into a spreadsheet and updated the links from a csv file of links that I have.
  2. I created a picture library and added some recent photos.
  3. I loaded and updated the contacts for the board of directors.
  4. I created a document library for my files.
  5. I put my monthly and annual reports and our financial policies into the Finance document library and my accounting spreadsheets and bank statements into the Accounting document library.

I must admit that the site looks pretty cute for just a couple of hours work.