Exchange Server Event ID Descriptions Are Missing

This week I had the pleasure of trying to figure out why the Exchange 2003 server was having problems again. It has been a long time since I looked closely at Exchange but the event log was not helpful. All of the Exchange Server Event ID Descriptions were missing. I did not need the descriptions to tell me we had run out of space so I set about purging old email messages and setting the “Deleted Item Retention” to zero. After the regular Exchange maintenance completed I still was getting some messages, so I set out to fix the description problem.

In my case I found out that the event ID descriptions were missing as described in XGEN: Exchange Server Event ID Descriptions Are Missing. Unfortunately this KB did not provide a sample to work from so I had to go elsewhere. Eventually I found a sample registry and manually entered the keys for MSExchangeIs Mailbox Store, MSExchangeIs Public Store, MSExchangeIS, and MSExchangeSA. Now I can look in the event log to see how  we are to filling up the Exchange database.