R Portable Version 3.1.3 has been Released! Download R Portable for free! http://bitly.com/1G2ejZU via @sourceforge

R Portable Version 3.1.3 has been released and is available at the R Portable project page, http://sf.net/projects/rportable/.

  • R Portable Version 3.1.3 incorporates the 3.1.3 version of R in a portableapps format.

How To Quickly Install Packages With A New R Installation

Okay, Joel, here it is. I got these instruction off of the Internet but I do not remember who was the original source.

  1. I keep this file in a RStudio project I call installed_packages.
  2. Before I upgrade I run the first two line to update the package_list.
  3. After I upgrade I go back to project, un-comment the install.packages line and run it.
  4. I also have a line in there if you want a csv copy of the installed packages.
#Get currently installed packages

package_df < - as.data.frame(installed.packages())
package_list <- as.character(package_df$Package)
#write.csv(package_df, file = "package_df.csv")
#Re-install Install packages

R Portable Version 3.1.2 has been Released! Download R Portable for free! http://bitly.com/1G2ejZU via @sourceforge

R Portable Version 3.1.2 has been released and is available at the R Portable project page, http://sf.net/projects/rportable/.

  • R Portable Version 3.1.2 incorporates the 3.1.2 version of R in a portableapps format.

R Portable Version 3.1.1 and RStudioPortable Version 0.98.977 Are Released!

R Portable Version 3.1.1 and RStudioPortable Version 0.98.977 have been released and is available at the R Portable project page, http://sf.net/projects/rportable/.

  • R Portable Version 3.1.1 incorporates the 3.1.1 version of R in a portableapps format.
  • RStudioPortable Version 0.98.977 incorporates the 0.98.977 version of R Studio in a portableapps format.

R Portable Version 3.0.3 and RStudioPortable Version 0.98.501 Are Released!

R Portable Version 3.0.3 and RStudioPortable Version 0.98.501 have been released and are available at the R Portable project page, http://sf.net/projects/rportable/.

  • R Portable Version 3.0.3 incorporates the 3.0.3 version of R in a portableapps format.
  • RStudioPortable Version 0.98.501 incorporates the 0.98.501 version of R Studio in a portableapps format.


R-Studio is a really nice environment to develop R programs. Since I like portable versions of programs I created a PortableApps version of R-Studio last year and mentioned it in a PortableApps forum. Padraig asked if I would make it available. For those inquiring minds out there you can find it on SourceForge, RStudioPortable_0.97.551.paf.exe.


Rcmdr for R-Portable or How to Create a Custom Shortcut in the PortableApps Menu

I have been playing around with Rcmdr since I saw several folks talk say good things about it. To make it play nicely R-Portable I decided to create my own PortableApps icon to launch R-Portable and automatically start Rcmdr. The procedure is similar to creating a shortcut for Rcmdr except that I will start R-Portable from a separate folder that contains a customized version of .Rprofile that automatically starts Rcmdr. So I created a  Rcmdr folder in my Portableapps program directory, created a DOS batch file that starts R-Portable with the “—sdi” option, and created a .Rprofile file like Scott Hyde had recommended. You can test your setup at this point. I am assuming you have previously installed R Commander. When you execute the batch file a DOS screen should briefly flash and both the R and the “sdi” version of the R Commander window should open.

To get a PortableApps icon to appear I created the PortableApps folder structure in Rcmdr, created an appinfo.ini file that referenced the batch file as the program executable, and copied the R icons from R-Portable into the “app\appinfo” folder. Now when I refresh my PortableApps icons I have a “R” icon for R Commander Portable to go with my existing icons for R Portable and RStudio Portable. Here is a zipped version of my Rcmdr folder,

Where are RStudio’s Options Stored?

I was looking at Joseph Reid’s description on how to set up RStudio when I realized I did not know where the RStudio settings are stored.  Since I created a portableapps version of RStudio, I was curious if it left any files on the hard drive. The answer is found in the article, Resetting RStudio’s State. Here is the pertinent part of Windows Vista and 7 users:

RStudio stores your custom settings and options in a hidden directory called RStudio-Desktop. If this directory does not exist, RStudio will create it on start up. This directory includes user settings, log files, and other state information. Removing (or renaming) this directory will reset RStudio’s state analogous to a fresh installation.

We recommend renaming this directory to create a backup version instead of completely deleting it. This allows you to save your settings, incase you want to revert back to them. Additionally, if you experienced a crash or RStudio failed to start, this directory may contain vital information for determining the source of the error. In this case, we recommend renaming this directory to backup-rstudio-desktop and sending it along with a support request.

Accessing the RStudio-Desktop Directory


You can open an Explorer window into the RStudio-Desktop directory by typing the following command into Start -> Run:

For Windows Vista and 7:
