Trying to keep up with WordPress

It has been hard for me to blog here on a regular basis due to various errors in WordPress. I am using the bleeding edge(i.e. CVS version) so I am at fault. My problems originally centered around using w.bloggar. First I got an error message saying I did not post for an unspecified reason. I tried it a second time before I figured out that the first actually got through. So I checked the CVS for an updated version of XMLRPC. I found one, so I updated my files. A day or so later I could not delete a post. Some more files had changed in the CVS, so I updated. A couple days later I found I could no login using w.bloggar. I had been using the b2 configuration. The forum said try a custom version. It didn’t work either. Some more files had changed in the CVS, so I updated. You catch the drift. Confused

Now let us see if we can post this…