Moving Legacy Farm website to

Over the last couple of days I have been moving our farm web site from Interland to The folks are Interland have been okay but way overpriced for the features. I have made the move much more complicated because I opted to convert the site over to phpwebsite in the move. To make this even more difficult I opted to create a tableless 2 column design layout I borrowed from and integrate the css list navigation menu I was already using. In the next couple of posts I will document my outline for making the new theme and changes to the website. To start things off the reasons for moving were:

  1. Use Announcements to replace my manually entered News and RSS feed
  2. Use Photoalbum for organizing my horse photos
  3. Use Whats Related to show customers other horses and links they might be interested in.
  4. There are several interesting developments in phpwebsite that I may use in the future