Mailto module fix for phpWebsite

Yesterday I tried a few third party modules for phpWebsite. Some of them worked but did not fit what I wanted to do and some just did not work(i.e. showinmain). One of them worked but only for the default theme(mailto). The symptom was that I could not add a mailing address and I could not send mail. For some unknown reason I ended up at the Create Event screen when I tried to add a mailing address. After some debugging I finally figured out a fix that works for me. I suspect it will work without problems for everyone. The mailto module allows people to send email to you without having to post an email address on the website. Although sometimes I think I am already on all of spam mailing lists I still would like to avoid any more increases in spam from automated webcrawlers. The fix was simple. It appears that two templates had an error in it. The generated html did not have a </form> at the end of two different forms in edit.tpl and mail.tpl. I made a SWAG that two templates needed a {END_FORM} to generate the proper code. It worked and I am happy even though I do not know why the default theme worked. My customized themes would bring up a Create Event form. I posted my fix on sourceforge so hopefully others can check it out.