ISA log file getting out of control

A while back I followed an article, ISA Server & SQL Server – Brothers in Arms, to store my ISA log data into a SQL server database. I created an Excel spreadsheet to help me parse the data base so I could debug some problems I had encountered. His instructions were good but they did not discuss how to periodically clean out the data. By the time I decided to solve this problem my log file was over 2 GB and over 700,000 rows in the webproxylog. I tried to use the SQL Query Analyzer but I kept getting ODBC timeouts. I had a little more success with OSQL but the key was to delete fewer rows in each query. I started deleting by day. As I succeeded in reducing the table size a bit I went on to deleting by week and finally by month. After I had completed all of this I still had a 2 GB file. So I tried to shrink the database using SQL Enterprise Manager. It did not work so I went into Files option of shrink and ran it. My database was now down to 400 MB. Before the week is out I am putting together a SQL job to delete rows older than 30 days and report the space used in an email back to me. I actually have all the queries ready although I really do not like the format of the spaceused procedure. When it exports to a text file it pads the variable length character fields to their maximum which causes unsightly text wrapping.