More phpWebsite theme changes and hacks

Well it took me a long time but I finally got around to researching and fixing some annoyances. This all started with some text in the right column that flowed over into the center/left column. In this case it was a calendar event. So I went looking for the likely suspect, an unnecessary table, and replaced it with a div in my theme. One of the nice things about phpWebsite is that you can overide the default layout in your theme.

Since I was mucking around I decided to go after some other annoyances. In this case I cleaned up the layout for the Announcements and Article summaries by getting rid of extra fields. The “Read” field does not a value for Announcements and the “Print” and “Email” icons are annoyances for the articles especially since I have a print.css and the icons cause the page to not validate. In this case less is more.

While I was at it I turned off the login block since I am the only one who uses it and I know how to get to it.

My final fix was to modify the template for the backend feed. I was not getting my feed graphic to show up in RSS Bandit. I found that the variable in the template was specified incorrectly for the URL feed. The module creates a thumbnail for the feed and it was too small for me. So I faked it out by manually replacing the thumbnail with a slightly larger one.