WordPress Themes by Sadish » MistyLook Version 3

Recently I found out that my Version 2 theme had a problem with the MistyLook options screen under the latest version of WordPress and I could no longer exclude pages from the navigation bar. Before I went about hacking his code to make it work I decided to see if Sadish had upgraded his theme. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Sadish had upgraded MistyLook to Version 3. Not only had he fixed this problem but he added several other nice features such as, drop shadows, custom block quotes. The drop shadows looked nice on the posts so I am going to leave them in. I did not like that the drop shadows were being applied everywhere so I turned them off for the sidebar. Although he added a custom image header feature, I overrode it in the header.php so I could use my existing image. At another site I overrode the code so that I could use my rotating random images code. Great job Sadish!

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