Link to GreatNews: The Intelligent RSS Reader
I was prompted to update my version of GreatNews when I started it today. The upgrade went great until I found that the whimsical css files provided by Maty no longer worked properly. I checked the forum and Maty had noticed it, too. Neither Maty or the forum moderator provided a fix. The 2 column design I was using showed a different colored background behind the text. This background overlapped other lines making it difficult to read. The problem I found appears to be related to the display:inline command. After some playing around I finally got everything to work. In my case I added a display:inline on line 78/79 and commented out the line 91/92. The rest of the changes are related to my desire to use a little larger font and fixing the layout issues of the two column design. Here is my diff file.
1: 31c31
2: < font: x-small Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif;
3: ---
4: > font: small Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif;
5: 78a79
6: > display: inline;
7: 80c81
8: < width: 48%;
9: ---
10: > width: 45%;
11: 85c86
12: < width: 99%;
13: ---
14: > width: 94%;
15: 91c92
16: < display: inline;
17: ---
18: > /*display: inline;*/
19: 106c107
20: < margin: 20px 0px 8px 14px;
21: ---
22: > margin: 20px 0px 8px 0px;